Jiechang Guo

Hello World of Three.js

This is the demo I created when learning Three.js. three.js with jekyll post I finally figured out how to embed HTML with three.js in a markdown file. The HTML file looks like this. Crea...

Learn WebGL Demo

This is the demo I created when learning WebGL.

Drawing a triangle using Vulkan (1)

After writing or copying over 1000 lines of code, I finally rendered my first triangle using Vulkan. Seeing it on the screen was so exciting! I want to learn Vulkan to study state-of-the-art tec...

Android Studio Giraffe + Kotlin + OpenCV 4.8.0

After hours of attempting, I finally integrated OpenCV 4.8.0 to Android Studio Giraffe with the Kotlin project. I’ll skip the steps for downloading AS and OpenCV. Just remember to download the And...

Training on FLIC Dataset with Limited Memory in Tensorflow

Introduction I attempted to run the code from the joint_cnn_mrf, which is the first and only implementation of the paper “Joint Training of a Convolutional Network and a Graphical Model for Human P...

CV Study Notes - Classification I

Classification The definition of classification is: categorizing a given set of data into classes Example of classification(CAP5415 - Lecture 11 by L. Lazebnik) This post will focus on th...

Image classification with CNN and Transfer Learning

COSC 6373: Computer Vision In-Class Assignment 2 Image classification with Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning This note is an assignment from COSC 6373 assignment. Goal Using t...

Study Notes of Smplify

After setting up the environment for Smplify, run the code as followed: conda activate smpl python fit_3d.py ../ --out_dir ../smpl_lsp --viz This script fits the SMPL model to LSP data, the resul...

Smplify python2.7 with Ubuntu22.04.1 and Anaconda

According to the README Getting Started, after extracting the code, we should get LSP data, but the LSP dataset cannot be downloaded from the given path, I found a source from the other website. Ge...

SMPL python2.7 with Ubuntu22.04.1 and Anaconda

After some effort in trying to run SMPL python on macOS and failing, I decided to use Ubuntu. Install Ubuntu dual system with Windows on my PC in my lab is another story. Here I wrote down the proc...

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